The Muchachos march in several parades on an annual basis. The marching season is opened with a St. Patrick's Day parade, followed
by parades on Memorial day weekend and a couple over the July 4th holiday. Mix in a few old home days or town celebrations and finish
off with a Holiday parade or two.
Why do we march in parades?
- We love to show off! Some of the parades we march in have thousands of people watching, others, not so many people, but are still fun!
- People like to see us! With the only instruments being Drums and Bugles, and the music often being, shall we say "spirited", we create a pretty unique sound. We also strive for musical perfection with an emphasis on dynamics and tight rhythms.
- We need the $$. Although this is a volunteer driven 501(c)(3) not for profit enterprise, running a Drum Corps is an expensive venture. The uniforms, buses, horns, drums, flags and more are all provided by the Corps. The fees generated by marching in parades help offset some of these costs.
We rehearse most of the year, every other week on Sundays. We use this rehearsal time to refine both the music
we will perform and our marching technique. See our schedule for rehearsal and performance times and locations.